Behavioral Wellness & Recovery

West Chester, Pennsylvania

1301 Wrights Lane East
Suite 103
West Chester PA, 19380

(800) 683-4457

About the Facility

Behavioral Wellness & Recovery is a 40-bed dual diagnosis, drug and alcohol rehab, serving those over the age of 18 who require treatment to overcome their addiction. Behavioral Wellness & Recovery offers a comprehensive drug and alcohol rehab program that is tailored to suit the needs of the patients.

Behavioral Wellness and Recovery is compromised to provide dual-diagnosis treatment for individuals with addiction. The program offers an individualized treatment approach in order to treat each of the patient’s specific needs. Behavioral Wellness and Recovery provides evidence-based treatment.

Behavioral Wellness and Recovery offers an intensive case management program which assists patients in the formulation and implementation of a comprehensive drug addiction and alcoholism treatment program and a relapse prevention program. The case management team will ensure that all the recommended areas and modalities of treatment are integrated.

Check icon Accreditations

Joint Commission

The Joint Commission, formerly known as JCAHO, is a nonprofit organization that accredits rehab organizations and programs. Founded in 1951, the Joint Commision's mission is to improve the quality of patient care and demonstrating the quality of patient care.

Joint Commission Accreditation: Yes
Accreditation Number: 590446

State License

State Licenses are permits issued by government agencies that allow rehab organizations to conduct business legally within a certain geographical area. Typically, the kind of program a rehab facility offers, along with its physical location, determines which licenses are required to operate legally.

State License: Pennsylvania
License Number: 7TY56601

Heart icon Treatment

book iconAlcoholism

Alcoholism is a syndrome of dependent alcohol use. Also called alcohol use disorder (AUD), the symptoms include craving alcohol, not being able to stop drinking, and feeling anxious or irritable when not drinking. For many people, alcohol rehab in Pennsylvania is a beneficial treatment. Programs offer many levels of care, including medical and behavioral therapies.

prescription iconDrug Addiction

Drug rehab in Pennsylvania is devoted to the treatment of addiction. Levels of care, treatment methods, and settings differ, but the aim of each program is to end drug dependency and empower participants to achieve long-term recovery.

head-side-medical iconDual Diagnosis

Pennsylvania's specialized dual-diagnosis addiction treatment programs prioritize comprehensive care for individuals with co-occurring substance use disorders and mental health conditions. Providing various levels of care, including outpatient, inpatient, and partial hospitalization, dual-diagnosis experts use evidence-based therapies, recovery support groups, and education to treat both disorders, promote mental health, and improve your quality of life.

file-medical iconMental Health and Substance Abuse

In Pennsylvania, dual-diagnosis rehabs specialize in providing comprehensive care for individuals facing both mental health and substance abuse challenges. These facilities offer personalized treatment plans, integrating evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), and experiential therapy. Other recovery services, like 12-Step meetings, skills training, educational groups, and an aftercare plan will enhance your odds of long-term recovery.

prescription-bottle-pill iconOpioid Addiction

Opioid rehabs specialize in supporting those recovering from opioid addiction. They treat those suffering from addiction to illegal opioids like heroin, as well as prescription drugs like oxycodone. These centers typically combine both physical as well as mental and emotional support to help stop addiction. Physical support often includes medical detox and subsequent medical support (including medication), and mental support includes in-depth therapy to address the underlying causes of addiction.

Dollar icon Insurance and Financial

  • id-card iconPrivate insurance
  • file-invoice-dollar iconSliding scale payment assistance
  • calendar iconDaily
  • dollar-sign iconSelf-pay options
  • calendar-days iconMonthly: $16,500

User icon Programs

user-tie iconAdult program

person-cane iconElderly program

shield-halved iconMilitary program

person-breastfeeding iconPostpartum program

person iconProgram for men

person-dress iconProgram for women

bed-front iconTotal beds


user iconYoung adult program

Medical briefcase icon Levels of Care

truck-medical icon24-Hour Clinical Care

At certain points in the recovery process, it's important to have support available 24/7. 24-hour clinical care offers a safe environment in which to recover from drug or alcohol addiction in peace, knowing medical detox and other treatment will happen with professionals on hand.

house-medical iconIntensive Outpatient

Clients engaged in intensive outpatient programs (IOP) live and work in their home community while receiving frequent, high-level care. These programs offer personalized care designed to evolve with the clients’ changing needs. Many intensive outpatient rehabs require a minimum of nine hours of treatment per week, but high-risk clients and those in early recovery may receive up to 20 hours of care weekly. IOP services generally include addiction counseling, recovery education, and holistic therapies, such as massage.

car-building iconOutpatient

Outpatient rehabs specialize in providing comprehensive care for clients who choose to remain in their homes and communities during treatment. Their services may include transitional support for clients stepping down from intensive inpatient programming. Ambulatory medical detox may be provided for clients at low risk for withdrawal complications. Many programs include evening, night, and weekend services to accommodate clients who are working professionals or caregivers. Addiction counseling and life skills training are common treatment modalities.

bed-front iconInpatient

Residential treatment programs are those that offer housing and meals in addition to substance abuse treatment. Residential rehab is utilized when patients require a significant amount of support and observation, but do not have acute medical or psychiatric symptoms. Having counselors and staff available for continuous observations is key to this level of care. While observing patients, staff will be able to determine appropriate diagnoses and develop a comprehensive and individualized treatment program.

book-medical icon12-Step

12 step programs prioritize the recovery journey as a life-long process based on personal spiritual growth and ongoing peer support. Regular attendance at 12 step meetings, which are held multiple times each day in most communities, is expected. Participants also receive one-on-one mentoring by a self-selected peer sponsor. The 12 steps are designed to encourage participants’ self-compassion, awareness, acceptance, and accountability. Dedicated programs for specialized groups, including seniors, teens, and families, are common.

house-medical iconAftercare Support

Aftercare encompasses some type of outpatient drug and alcohol treatment, along with employment, financial, relationship, and legal guidance. Medical and psychiatric needs will also be addressed. Rest assured, for those who are have a dual-diagnosis disorder, an appropriate aftercare plan will be developed to address this need. It is typically long-term and as areas of improvement are achieved, the intensity of the aftercare program will diminish. Behavioral Wellness and Recovery also recommends participation in community support groups, such as those for mental health disorders, drug and alcohol addiction, and any other supportive group, such as church or other organized activities. A relapse to drug and alcohol abuse is more easily prevented or treated, when one is attending an appropriate aftercare program.

house iconSober Living Homes

Residents of a sober living home in Pennsylvania pay rent and contribute to household maintenance. For their contributions, individuals get the opportunity to live in a substance-free environment and receive support from others in recovery while all residents practice sober-living skills. Sober living expenses are not covered by insurance since they are not treatment services. However, grants and scholarships are often available to help individuals afford rent for men’s or women’s sober living.

people-group iconIntervention Services

Behavioral Wellness and Recovery employs Addiction Specialists who are on-call 24/7 to assist you with your intervention. Because addiction interventions may go more smoothly when an unrelated and unbiased party is involved, they encourage you to call them when you are considering an intervention. Not only can their staff help you through the intervention process, but they can directly intervene with the addict or alcoholic. The addiction sufferer may be more likely hearing the information presented from a third party, than a person to whom they are emotionally connected.

hospital iconPartial Hospitalization Program

With a partial hospitalization program (PHP), you can participate in intensive rehabilitation treatment with the ability to return home at the end of the day. For a weekly minimum of 20 hours, a partial hospitalization program can take place up to 5 days a week for an average of 90 days. During PHP treatment, you can receive relapse prevention strategies, medication management, individual and group therapy, and other behavioral therapy interventions.

Hand holding medical sign icon Clinical Services

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a commonly used type of talk therapy for a wide-variety of mental health and psychological disorders, including drug and alcohol addiction and dual diagnosis disorders. CBT is also effective to learn how to better manage life stressors and is not necessarily used only for diagnosable illnesses. The underlying theme of using cognitive behavioral therapy is reframing. In reframing, the patient will learn how to nonjudgmentally evaluate his/her line of thinking and to change inaccurate or negative thoughts. The line of thinking affects emotions, which in-turn affect behaviors.

Couples Therapy

Whether a marriage or other committed relationship, an intimate partnership is one of the most important aspects of a person's life. Drug and alcohol addiction affects both members of a couple in deep and meaningful ways, as does rehab and recovery. Couples therapy and other couples-focused treatment programs are significant parts of exploring triggers of addiction, as well as learning how to build healthy patterns to support ongoing sobriety.

Creative Arts Therapy

Creativity is inherently healing, and can help those in recovery express thoughts or feelings they might not otherwise be able to. Creative arts therapy can include music, poetry/writing, painting, sculpting, dance, theater, sandplay, and more. Unlike traditional art, the final product matters far less than the experience of creation and expression itself.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) incorporates cognitive and behavioral therapy, combining methodologies from various practices including Eastern mindfulness techniques. This unique therapy model brings together what seem to be opposing views, acceptance and change, to produce better results than either one alone. Initially developed to treat chronically suicidal individuals with borderline personality disorder, DBT has evolved to include treatment of individuals with multiple different disorders. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy has had excellent success in treating individuals who struggle with: substance abuse, mood disorders, depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit – hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating disorders include anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and dysfunctional eating patterns. Many psychologists and other mental health professionals consider eating disorders to be food addictions, meaning food is being used in an addictive way (similar to drug or alcohol addiction). Certain substance abuse treatment programs will have treatment for eating disorders as one of the services offered. An eating disorder may also present as a co-occuring disorder or dual diagnosis alongside drug and alcohol addiction.

Experiential Therapy

Recreation therapy offers patients the opportunity to practice new patterns of behavior through engaging in a variety of activity-based interventions. Recreation therapists utilize diverse modalities, such as music, sports, art, creative writing, psychodrama, and teambuilding activities to develop skills that are fundamental to recovery. Sessions are designed to address the specific treatment goals of individuals, and the group overall. The focus is on improving social, cognitive, and emotional wellbeing.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

EMDR is a therapeutic modality originally developed to help process trauma. In an EMDR session, a patient is prompted to undergo eye movements that mimic those of REM sleep. This is accomplished by watching a therapist's finger move back and forth across, or following a bar of light. The goal is repetitive sets of eye movements that help the brain reprocess memory, which can significantly reduce the intensity of remembered traumatic incidents. Associated memories can heal simultaneously, leaving patients significantly calmer, more stable, and more emotionally relaxed.

Family Therapy

Drug and alcohol addiction not only effects the individual captured by the substance, but also the entire support system including the family, which we refer to as “the recovery alliance”. They believe that the best healing occurs within the entire recovery alliance. The alliance can be critical to a drug addict and alcoholic’s long-term success by reducing the relapse potential.

Fitness Therapy

Fitness therapy blends exercise with psychotherapy for a fun, inspiring, and effective way of treating addiction and other issues. By incorporating movement into counseling sessions, clients become more empowered, motivated, and goal-oriented, all while strengthening their bodies and becoming more flexible. Fitness Therapy is usually used to complement a course of treatment (inpatient or outpatient) to make it even more successful. Increasing the connection between a patient’s mind and body helps both with healing as well as in creating new, healthy habits.

Group Therapy

Group process therapy is a type of counseling where a trained therapist or counselor treats a small number of patients simultaneously as a group. It can be used to treat many issues such as grief, trauma and depression but it’s also used in drug and alcohol treatment centers. It’s most often used in conjunction with individual counseling and family counseling.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is the process whereby a psychiatrist, therapist or counselor works with a patient on a one-one-one basis. Individual therapy is critical in the treatment of patients in drug and alcohol rehab. Although the mainstay of drug and alcohol treatment is group treatment and activities, individual therapy is necessary to give patients a forum to discuss and process thoughts, emotions and events that they may not be comfortable sharing in a group setting.

Life Skills

Life skills trainings involve all the skills a person must have in order to function successfully in the world. These include time management, career guidance, money management, and effective communication. Truly successful addiction recovery is based on the ability to not only live substance-free, but to thrive. Life skills teaches the practical necessities of functioning in society, which sets clients up for success in life, and therefore sobriety.

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a commonly used therapeutic modality for the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction. Motivational Interviewing is nonjudgmental and not confrontational. Rather, it empowers the patient and the therapist to form a partnership and assists the patient in overcoming his/her ambivalence about change. As is well-known, confrontational and directive therapy can lead to defensiveness and resistance, and an overall negative treatment experience.

Nutrition Therapy

Nutrition therapy, aka medical nutrition therapy (MNT), is a way of treating physical, emotional, and medical conditions through diet. Specific dietary plans are designed by professional nutritionists or registered dietitians, and patients follow them in order to positively affect their physical and mental health. Patient’s meals at BWR are prepared by a Certified Food Manger in their specially designed dining room. The dining room is organized in such a fashion as to promote communication and socialization between peers.

Rational Behavior Therapy

Rational Behavior Therapy (RBT) is a form of cognitive behavioral therapy meant to be short-term and comprehensive. It was intended to help clients become more self-sufficent and move forward without the need for expensive, ongoing therapy. It includes an emotional self-help method called “rational self-counseling,” the purpose of which is to give clients all the skills needed to handle future emotional issues by themselves, or with significantly less professional help.

Recreational Therapy

Recreational therapy (aka therapeutic recreation) uses creative and fun activities to help with addiction recovery. Recreational therapists lead patients in entertaining and engaging activities like sports or games; art (drawing, painting, sculpture); drama, music, and dance; and/or community outings (field trips) to improve patients' physical, social, and emotional well-being.

Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy addresses traumatic incidents from a client's past that are likely affecting their present-day experience. Trauma is often one of the primary triggers and potential causes of addiction, and can stem from child sexual abuse, domestic violence, having a parent with a mental illness, losing one or both parents at a young age, teenage or adult sexual assault, or any number of other factors. The purpose of trauma therapy is to allow a patient to process trauma and move through and past it, with the help of trained and compassionate mental health professionals.

House check icon Settings and Amenities

  • house-chimney iconResidential setting
  • couch iconPrivate setting
  • table-tennis-paddle-ball iconRecreation room
  • music iconMusic room
  • spa iconMeditation room
  • palette iconArt activities

Phone icon Contact

Building icon

1301 Wrights Lane East
Suite 103
West Chester PA, 19380

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