The Haven

Salt Lake City, Utah

974 East South Temple street
Salt Lake City UT, 84102

(801) 533-0070

About the Facility

The Haven Detox is a state of the art alcohol and drug rehabilitation center in Salt Lake City, Utah. They serve adult men and women living with substance abuse disorders. The facility has luxury amenities in a relaxed setting.

The medical staff at the Haven provides comprehensive care focused on helping clients in recovery heal physically, mentally, and emotionally. This whole person approach is supported by evidence backed treatment methods.

Inpatient care is recommended for those in crisis, experiencing severe symptoms, or otherwise not coming from a place of stability. Clients live at the facility, where they are monitored and cared for around the clock by their comprehensive care team. Each client’s needs determine the length of a stay.

The client’s care team will help them craft a treatment plan that addresses their unique situation. The Haven uses a range of therapy models for individual and group treatment, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), and moral reconation therapy (MRT). Therapy aims to uncover addiction triggers, build shame resilience, overcome negative mindsets, and develop healthy life and coping skills.

Outpatient treatment is for those in the early stages of addiction who come from a stable background. Clients come to the facility regularly (which they determine with their care team) to engage in group and individual therapy. Outpatient care allows clients to receive the same types of treatment as the inpatient program while continuing to live at home and maintain their other responsibilities.

The medical team may recommend MAT for patients undergoing substance use disorder treatment when they need ongoing help coping with withdrawal. Medications are carefully chosen and administered by the medical team, with ongoing monitoring to ensure safety during use.

Those who have recently completed a treatment program but feel they need additional help transitioning into sober living may qualify to stay at the Haven sober living home. Residents can continue to work while attending regular group therapy sessions. The sober living house is fully furnished with all utilities covered.

Heart icon Treatment

book iconAlcoholism

Professional addiction treatment at an alcohol rehab in Utah can help people struggling with alcohol use disorder. This disorder occurs when someone becomes psychologically or physically dependent on alcohol. During treatment, individuals undergo detox to safely withdraw from alcohol. Then, they participate in a customized treatment plan that uses behavioral therapies and support systems to help them move forward in recovery.

prescription iconDrug Addiction

When you enter a drug rehab in Utah, the process usually involves four stages: treatment initiation, early abstinence, maintaining abstinence, and advanced recovery. Treatment methods can rely on medications, counseling, or both, in either an outpatient or inpatient setting.

prescription-bottle-pill iconOpioid Addiction

Opioid rehabs specialize in supporting those recovering from opioid addiction. They treat those suffering from addiction to illegal opioids like heroin, as well as prescription drugs like oxycodone. These centers typically combine both physical as well as mental and emotional support to help stop addiction. Physical support often includes medical detox and subsequent medical support (including medication), and mental support includes in-depth therapy to address the underlying causes of addiction.

file-medical iconSubstance Abuse

In Utah, individuals looking for substance abuse treatment can find several inpatient and outpatient treatment programs. Typically, you can expect the program to include evidence-based therapies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), psychoeducation, skills development groups, and experiential therapies, like equine therapy, and adventure therapy. By receiving expert addiction treatment and learning new coping strategies, you’ll drastically improve your mental health and the ability to achieve long-term sobriety.

Dollar icon Insurance and Financial

  • dollar-sign iconSelf-pay options
  • file-invoice-dollar iconSliding scale payment assistance
  • id-card iconPrivate insurance

User icon Programs

user-tie iconAdult program

person iconProgram for men

person-dress iconProgram for women

user iconYoung adult program

Medical briefcase icon Levels of Care

bed-front iconInpatient

Residential treatment programs are those that offer housing and meals in addition to substance abuse treatment. Rehab facilities that offer residential treatment allow patients to focus solely on recovery, in an environment totally separate from their lives. Some rehab centers specialize in short-term residential treatment (a few days to a week or two), while others solely provide treatment on a long-term basis (several weeks to months). Some offer both, and tailor treatment to the patient's individual requirements.

house iconSober Living Homes

Each sober living home in Utah is a residence, not a treatment center. This setting does not provide clinical or medical treatment, but many residents attend recovery groups or outpatient rehab while staying at the home. The setting, also called a halfway house, offers a balance between structure and accountability and living in the “real world,” to help people transition from treatment to everyday life.

book-medical icon12-Step

Participants in 12 step programs engage in rigorous group counseling, peer coaching, and personal development. Though 12 step recovery is rooted in spiritual principles, religious affiliation is not mandatory. The steps model promotes participants’ emotional and psychological healing, which is presumed integral to sustained sobriety. Regular attendance at group meetings is expected. These meetings are free, anonymous, peer-led, and accessible day and night in most communities. Gender and age-specific programs and other specialized formats are common.

house-medical iconAftercare Support

Completing a drug or alcohol rehab program shouldn't spell the end of substance abuse treatment. Aftercare involves making a sustainable plan for recovery, including ongoing support. This can include sober living arrangements like halfway houses, career counseling, and setting a patient up with community programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

Hand holding medical sign icon Clinical Services

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapy modality that focuses on the relationship between one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is used to establish and allow for healthy responses to thoughts and feelings (instead of unhealthy responses, like using drugs or alcohol). CBT has been proven effective for recovering addicts of all kinds, and is used to strengthen a patient's own self-awareness and ability to self-regulate. CBT allows individuals to monitor their own emotional state, become more adept at communicating with others, and manage stress without needing to engage in substance abuse.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a modified form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a treatment designed to help people understand and ultimately affect the relationship between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. DBT is often used for individuals who struggle with self-harm behaviors, such as self-mutilation (cutting) and suicidal thoughts, urges, or attempts. It has been proven clinically effective for those who struggle with out-of-control emotions and mental health illnesses like Borderline Personality Disorder.

Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy is a form of therapy in which clients are encouraged to surface and work through subconscious issues by engaging in real-time experiences. Experiential therapy departs from traditional talk therapy by involving the body, and having clients engage in activities, movements, and physical and emotional expression. This can involve role-play or using props (which can include other people). Experiential therapy can help people process trauma, memories, and emotion quickly, deeply, and in a lasting fashion, leading to substantial and impactful healing.

Family Therapy

Research clearly demonstrates that recovery is far more successful and sustainable when loved ones like family members participate in rehab and substance abuse treatment. Genetic factors may be at play when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, as well as mental health issues. Family dynamics often play a critical role in addiction triggers, and if properly educated, family members can be a strong source of support when it comes to rehabilitation.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is any therapeutic work that happens in a group (not one-on-one). There are a number of different group therapy modalities, including support groups, experiential therapy, psycho-education, and more. Group therapy involves treatment as well as processing interaction between group members.

Individual Therapy

In individual therapy, a patient meets one-on-one with a trained psychologist or counselor. Therapy is a pivotal part of effective substance abuse treatment, as it often covers root causes of addiction, including challenges faced by the patient in their social, family, and work/school life.

Moral Reconation Therapy

Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) is a modality based on strengthening moral reasoning, that can be used in substance abuse treatment. Originally created to help criminal offenders stop committing crimes, it is a structured approach that includes both group and individual counseling, as well as homework exercises. The MRT workbook is structured around 16 steps (units) focusing on 7 treatment issues, including building a healthy, positive identity; developing a higher frustration tolerance; and forming a strong moral belief structure. Participants meet 1-2 times weekly in groups, and can complete all steps of the MRT program in 3-6 months. A systematic method designed to promote positive self-image and identity, help clients learn positive social behaviors and beliefs, designed specifically for offenders. MRT seeks to reeducate clients socially, morally and behaviorally to instill appropriate goals, motivation, and values. This is accomplished through systematic self-evaluation and goal setting activities. Clients work directly out of “How to Escape Your Prison” workbook, which the facilitator will provide for them. This group is only for members that qualify bases on criminogenic needs. Group meets on a weekly basis.

Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy addresses traumatic incidents from a client's past that are likely affecting their present-day experience. Trauma is often one of the primary triggers and potential causes of addiction, and can stem from child sexual abuse, domestic violence, having a parent with a mental illness, losing one or both parents at a young age, teenage or adult sexual assault, or any number of other factors. The purpose of trauma therapy is to allow a patient to process trauma and move through and past it, with the help of trained and compassionate mental health professionals.

Phone icon Contact

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974 East South Temple street
Salt Lake City UT, 84102

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Edited by:
Quentin Blount


2.8 (4 reviews)
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Overall Experience
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They give you the tools to repair yourself first, then you move on to all the other aspects of life. They have many intense group therapy sessions where the entire staff is involved. It was a good start to my recovery. Good place for the serious and ready for recovery

Reviewed on 3/7/2019

The place smells horrible and is always dirty, the staff is never here to help you and it is very rude I would never go back.

Reviewed on 3/6/2019

I was in the Haven twenty years ago, and it turned my life around. Like any treatment, you get what you put into it. If you're bitter, entitled or paranoid, there are other treatment options available. While it has gone through changes since I've been, the one thing I can sa ... read more

Reviewed on 5/23/2018
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