Hilltop Lodge

Baconton, Georgia

3619 Jackson Dairy Road
Baconton GA, 31716

(229) 787-1873

About the Facility

Located in Baconton, Georgia, Hilltop Lodge is a drug and alcohol treatment center. The program is suited to adults over 18. Hilltop Lodge also provides valuable community resources, such as referrals and mental health services.

Hilltop Lodge offers mental health assessments, outpatient detox, intensive outpatient programs, counseling, and medication-assisted treatment.

Mental Health Assessment and Counseling
Assessments help addiction counselors to evaluate participants’ mental health and create a recovery plan. As part of treatment, the participant may receive individual, group, and family counseling, and pastoral support.

Outpatient Detox
Outpatient detox can alleviate painful withdrawal symptoms using FDA-approved medications. Along with managing withdrawal symptoms, clients benefit from recovery education classes and peer support programs.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)
Designed for adults over 18, participants attend individual and group treatment sessions three to four days a week. The program includes individual and group counseling, peer support, and recovery meetings. Participants learn valuable life and coping skills to maintain their sobriety.

Medication-Assisted Treatment for Addiction
MAT is an outpatient program that includes counseling, support groups, and medication management. Participants initiate treatment with a comprehensive mental health assessment and treatment plan, regular check-ups, and as they progress they attend sessions less frequently.

Check icon Accreditations

Joint Commission

The Joint Commission, formerly known as JCAHO, is a nonprofit organization that accredits rehab organizations and programs. Founded in 1951, the Joint Commision's mission is to improve the quality of patient care and demonstrating the quality of patient care.

Joint Commission Accreditation: Yes

Heart icon Treatment

book iconAlcoholism

Alcoholism is a pattern of alcohol use that involves continued drinking even when it causes problems. Alcoholism is also characterized by a physical dependence on alcohol, which causes the body to experience withdrawal symptoms when alcohol is not present. Due to this physical dependence, medically-supervised detox is often necessary to safely recover from alcoholism. Alcohol rehab in Georgia offers a three-step process of detox, rehab, and maintenance to help individuals recover from alcohol addiction.

prescription iconDrug Addiction

A quality drug rehab in Georgia can help you overcome addiction. This environment is designed to help you address the complex issues contributing to drug dependence. The goal of treatment is to give you the tools you need to make a full recovery.

head-side-medical iconDual Diagnosis

In Georgia, specialized dual-diagnosis addiction treatment programs address co-occurring substance use disorders and mental health conditions. Care levels include outpatient, inpatient, and partial hospitalization. Therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy, or dialectical behavioral therapy, equine therapy, mindfulness-based therapy, skills training, and recovery groups — like 12-step — support you in achieving sobriety and sustaining recovery. Developing the tools to establish a solid support system (or strengthen an existing one) will also increase your chances of long-term recovery success.

file-medical iconMental Health and Substance Abuse

Dual-diagnosis rehabs in Georgia can help to support individuals struggling with both mental health and substance abuse through holistic treatment programs that address both issues simultaneously. Co-occurring disorder treatment typically includes counseling, medication support, therapy, group sessions, and skills training. This integrated approach treats the whole person and improves recovery outcomes by equipping participants with the necessary skills to continue their recovery.

prescription-bottle-pill iconOpioid Addiction

Opioid rehabs specialize in supporting those recovering from opioid addiction. They treat those suffering from addiction to illegal opioids like heroin, as well as prescription drugs like oxycodone. These centers typically combine both physical as well as mental and emotional support to help stop addiction. Physical support often includes medical detox and subsequent medical support (including medication), and mental support includes in-depth therapy to address the underlying causes of addiction.

Dollar icon Insurance and Financial

  • money-check-dollar iconFinancing available
  • shield-quartered iconMedicaid
  • shield-quartered iconMedicare
  • dollar-sign iconSelf-pay options
  • id-card iconPrivate insurance
  • file-invoice-dollar iconSliding scale payment assistance
  • id-badge iconMilitary insurance
  • money-check-dollar-pen iconFinancial aid
  • file-check iconFree

User icon Programs

user iconAdolescence program

user-tie iconAdult program

children iconChildren program

person-cane iconElderly program

person iconProgram for men

person-dress iconProgram for women

bed-front iconTotal beds


user iconYoung adult program

Medical briefcase icon Levels of Care

clipboard-medical iconMedically Assisted Detox

Medical detox is the process of ridding the body of addictive substances in a medically supervised setting. If you become chemically dependent on a substance like alcohol, opioids, or benzodiazepines (like Xanax or Ativan), quitting abruptly can cause uncomfortable or even dangerous side effects. Licensed medical professionals ensure the process goes as safely and comfortably as possible while monitoring you 24/7 and administering any required medications,

bed-front iconInpatient

Hilltop Lodge Recovery Residence is a six month program designed to accommodate 16 individuals who are in need of stable housing, continued support, independent living skills and employment as he or she begins the process to independent sober living.

people-group iconIntervention Services

Intervention services helps family or friends of addicts stage an intervention, which is a meeting in which loved ones share their concerns and attempt to get an addict into treatment. Professional intervention specialists can help loved ones organize, gather, and communicate with an addict. They can guide intervention participants in describing the damage the addict's behavior is causing and that outside help is necessary to address the addiction. The ideal outcome of an intervention is for the addict to go to rehab and get the help they need.

house iconSober Living Homes

Sober living homes in Georgia offers an alternative to the abrupt change of moving from intensive treatment to an unstructured home environment. Men’s and women’s sober living homes replicate everyday life situations, but they do so in a sober environment while also reinforcing healthy habits. This reduces the chance of relapse. Individuals who could use extra support after rehab or don’t have a stable home environment can benefit from this transitional option.

Hand holding medical sign icon Clinical Services

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapy modality that focuses on the relationship between one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is used to establish and allow for healthy responses to thoughts and feelings (instead of unhealthy responses, like using drugs or alcohol). CBT has been proven effective for recovering addicts of all kinds, and is used to strengthen a patient's own self-awareness and ability to self-regulate. CBT allows individuals to monitor their own emotional state, become more adept at communicating with others, and manage stress without needing to engage in substance abuse.

Couples Therapy

Whether a marriage or other committed relationship, an intimate partnership is one of the most important aspects of a person's life. Drug and alcohol addiction affects both members of a couple in deep and meaningful ways, as does rehab and recovery. Couples therapy and other couples-focused treatment programs are significant parts of exploring triggers of addiction, as well as learning how to build healthy patterns to support ongoing sobriety.

Eating Disorder Treatment

Eating disorders include anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and dysfunctional eating patterns. Many psychologists and other mental health professionals consider eating disorders to be food addictions, meaning food is being used in an addictive way (similar to drug or alcohol addiction). Certain substance abuse treatment programs will have treatment for eating disorders as one of the services offered. An eating disorder may also present as a co-occuring disorder or dual diagnosis alongside drug and alcohol addiction.

Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy is a form of therapy in which clients are encouraged to surface and work through subconscious issues by engaging in real-time experiences. Experiential therapy departs from traditional talk therapy by involving the body, and having clients engage in activities, movements, and physical and emotional expression. This can involve role-play or using props (which can include other people). Experiential therapy can help people process trauma, memories, and emotion quickly, deeply, and in a lasting fashion, leading to substantial and impactful healing.

Family Therapy

Research clearly demonstrates that recovery is far more successful and sustainable when loved ones like family members participate in rehab and substance abuse treatment. Genetic factors may be at play when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, as well as mental health issues. Family dynamics often play a critical role in addiction triggers, and if properly educated, family members can be a strong source of support when it comes to rehabilitation.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is any therapeutic work that happens in a group (not one-on-one). There are a number of different group therapy modalities, including support groups, experiential therapy, psycho-education, and more. Group therapy involves treatment as well as processing interaction between group members.

Individual Therapy

In individual therapy, a patient meets one-on-one with a trained psychologist or counselor. Therapy is a pivotal part of effective substance abuse treatment, as it often covers root causes of addiction, including challenges faced by the patient in their social, family, and work/school life.

Life Skills

Life skills trainings involve all the skills a person must have in order to function successfully in the world. These include time management, career guidance, money management, and effective communication. Truly successful addiction recovery is based on the ability to not only live substance-free, but to thrive. Life skills teaches the practical necessities of functioning in society, which sets clients up for success in life, and therefore sobriety.

Nutrition Therapy

Nutrition therapy, aka medical nutrition therapy (MNT), is a way of treating physical, emotional, and medical conditions through diet. Specific dietary plans are designed by professional nutritionists or registered dietitians, and patients follow them in order to positively affect their physical and mental health.

Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy addresses traumatic incidents from a client's past that are likely affecting their present-day experience. Trauma is often one of the primary triggers and potential causes of addiction, and can stem from child sexual abuse, domestic violence, having a parent with a mental illness, losing one or both parents at a young age, teenage or adult sexual assault, or any number of other factors. The purpose of trauma therapy is to allow a patient to process trauma and move through and past it, with the help of trained and compassionate mental health professionals.

House check icon Settings and Amenities

  • couch iconPrivate setting

Phone icon Contact

Building icon

3619 Jackson Dairy Road
Baconton GA, 31716

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Edited by:
Nikki Seay


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