The Connection Center for Behavioral Health

Middletown, Connecticut

196 Court street
Middletown CT, 06457

(860) 343-5510

About the Facility

Connection Counseling Center - Court Street offers outpatient treatment for individuals with substance addiction and/or a mental health diagnosis. The program includes individual psychotherapy, medication management and more. Connection Counseling Center - Court Street is located at Middletown, Connecticut.

The Connection Counseling Centers provide the latest and most innovative substance use and mental health treatment services for adults and families in convenient locations throughout the state.

Their community-based programs include outpatient behavioral health clinics, gambling-specific treatment programs, state-mandated driving-while-intoxicated and drug education programs for first-time offenders and evidence-based prevention strategies to reduce the incidence of substance use among youth.

The Connection’s mission is building safe, healthy caring communities and inspiring people to reach their full potential as productive and valued citizens.

Heart icon Treatment

book iconAlcoholism

If the body experiences withdrawal symptoms in the absense of alcohol, they are considered alcohol dependent. This is one of the defining characteristics of alcoholism, also knosn as alcohol use disorder (AUD). If a person has reached this state, they typically need professional treatment to recover. Alcohol rehab in Connecticut can provide a safe, supervised detox to withdraw from alcohol, followed by inpatient or outpatient rehab, then a maintenance program.

prescription iconDrug Addiction

Drug rehab in Connecticut provides the professional support that is often necessary to break free from drug dependency. With proper treatment, individuals can make changes that restore balance and health to their lives and achieve long-term recovery.

head-side-medical iconDual Diagnosis

In Connecticut, dual-diagnosis addiction treatment recognizes the importance of addressing both mental health and substance use disorders in their specialized rehab programs, including outpatient, inpatient, medically assisted detox, and partial hospitalization. Using evidence-based therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and experiential therapies, addiction experts address substance use disorders and mental health challenges simultaneously, improving recovery outcomes and reducing the risk of relapse.

file-medical iconMental Health and Substance Abuse

Connecticut’s dual-diagnosis rehabs typically provide comprehensive treatment for mental health and substance abuse. These specialized facilities integrate personalized treatment plans, psychiatric care, with therapeutic treatments like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), family counseling, and educational groups. Usually there are inpatient or outpatient programs depending upon whether you also need medically-supervised detox and have other support needs. A rehab’s clinical team can provide a comprehensive assessment to determine the appropriate level of care and medical support you may need.

prescription-bottle-pill iconOpioid Addiction

Opioid rehabs specialize in supporting those recovering from opioid addiction. They treat those suffering from addiction to illegal opioids like heroin, as well as prescription drugs like oxycodone. These centers typically combine both physical as well as mental and emotional support to help stop addiction. Physical support often includes medical detox and subsequent medical support (including medication), and mental support includes in-depth therapy to address the underlying causes of addiction.

Dollar icon Insurance and Financial

  • shield-quartered iconMedicaid
  • id-card iconPrivate insurance
  • dollar-sign iconSelf-pay options
  • file-invoice-dollar iconSliding scale payment assistance
  • shield-quartered iconMedicare

User icon Programs

user-tie iconAdult program

person-cane iconElderly program

person iconProgram for men

person-dress iconProgram for women

user iconYoung adult program

Medical briefcase icon Levels of Care

car-building iconOutpatient

Outpatient rehabs offer a wide variety of therapeutic programs to address clients’ unique and evolving needs. They are generally most effective for clients who have completed inpatient treatment and are medically stable. Most outpatient treatment centers prioritize addiction counseling and recovery-focused life skills training. Many also provide medication assisted treatment (MAT) for clients in alcohol and opioid recovery. Evening, night, and weekend sessions are commonly offered to accommodate clients’ schedules.

clipboard-medical iconMedically Assisted Detox

Typically seen as a first step in the recovery process, medically assisted detox generally takes place in an inpatient setting under the 24/7 supervision of licensed medical professionals. It is considered the safest way to remove addictive drugs from your body. The length of a medical detox program is individualized, but it often takes around 5-7 days.

house-medical iconAftercare Support

Completing a drug or alcohol rehab program shouldn't spell the end of substance abuse treatment. Aftercare involves making a sustainable plan for recovery, including ongoing support. This can include sober living arrangements like halfway houses, career counseling, and setting a patient up with community programs like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

Hand holding medical sign icon Clinical Services

Family Therapy

Research clearly demonstrates that recovery is far more successful and sustainable when loved ones like family members participate in rehab and substance abuse treatment. Genetic factors may be at play when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, as well as mental health issues. Family dynamics often play a critical role in addiction triggers, and if properly educated, family members can be a strong source of support when it comes to rehabilitation.

Group Therapy

Group therapy is any therapeutic work that happens in a group (not one-on-one). There are a number of different group therapy modalities, including support groups, experiential therapy, psycho-education, and more. Group therapy involves treatment as well as processing interaction between group members.

Individual Therapy

In individual therapy, a patient meets one-on-one with a trained psychologist or counselor. Therapy is a pivotal part of effective substance abuse treatment, as it often covers root causes of addiction, including challenges faced by the patient in their social, family, and work/school life.

Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy addresses traumatic incidents from a client's past that are likely affecting their present-day experience. Trauma is often one of the primary triggers and potential causes of addiction, and can stem from child sexual abuse, domestic violence, having a parent with a mental illness, losing one or both parents at a young age, teenage or adult sexual assault, or any number of other factors. The purpose of trauma therapy is to allow a patient to process trauma and move through and past it, with the help of trained and compassionate mental health professionals.

Phone icon Contact

Building icon

196 Court street
Middletown CT, 06457

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