Discovery Mood & Anxiety Program – Brentwood

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Brentwood, California
Closed: Find Nearby Facilities
Brentwood, California

About the Facility

Discovery Mood & Anxiety Program – Brentwood is a private rehab located in Brentwood, California. Discovery Mood & Anxiety Program – Brentwood specializes in the treatment of Mental Health.

Check icon Accreditations

Joint Commission

The Joint Commission, formerly known as JCAHO, is a nonprofit organization that accredits rehab organizations and programs. Founded in 1951, the Joint Commision's mission is to improve the quality of patient care and demonstrating the quality of patient care.

Joint Commission Accreditation: Yes

Heart icon Treatment

file-medical iconMental Health

Inpatient treatment for drug and alcohol addiction with a focus on mental health is a good fit for people who need closer monitoring and care. Treatment may occur in a hospital setting, a clinic, or a luxury rehab center. Mental health counselors and staff are available 24/7. Therapies typically include group and individual counseling, relapse prevention education, and emotional coping skills training.

Dollar icon Insurance and Financial

  • dollar-sign iconSelf-pay options
  • id-card iconPrivate insurance

User icon Programs

user iconAdolescence program

children iconChildren program

person-dress iconProgram for women

Medical briefcase icon Levels of Care

bed-front iconInpatient

Outpatient Programs (OP) are for those seeking mental rehab or drug rehab, but who also stay at home every night. The main difference between outpatient treatment (OP) and intensive outpatient treatment (IOP) lies in the amount of hours the patient spends at the facility. Most of the time an outpatient program is designed for someone who has completed an inpatient stay and is looking to continue their growth in recovery. Outpatient is not meant to be the starting point, it is commonly referred to as aftercare.

hospital iconPartial Hospitalization Program

Commonly known as “day treatment,” a partial hospitalization program (PHP) is an intensive form of outpatient treatment where clients meet during the day and return home in the evening. PHP treatment doesn't require 24-hour care and often serves as an alternative to inpatient hospitalization or a step-down after a residential program. With PHP treatment, you can receive daily support for 6 to 8 hours which includes evidence-based therapies and medication management. The cost of PHP treatment typically varies but averages 90 days.

Hand holding medical sign icon Clinical Services

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a therapy modality that focuses on the relationship between one's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It is used to establish and allow for healthy responses to thoughts and feelings (instead of unhealthy responses, like using drugs or alcohol). CBT has been proven effective for recovering addicts of all kinds, and is used to strengthen a patient's own self-awareness and ability to self-regulate. CBT allows individuals to monitor their own emotional state, become more adept at communicating with others, and manage stress without needing to engage in substance abuse.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a modified form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a treatment designed to help people understand and ultimately affect the relationship between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. DBT is often used for individuals who struggle with self-harm behaviors, such as self-mutilation (cutting) and suicidal thoughts, urges, or attempts. It has been proven clinically effective for those who struggle with out-of-control emotions and mental health illnesses like Borderline Personality Disorder.

Equine Therapy

Equine therapy, aka equine-assisted therapy (EAT), is a form of experiential therapy that involves interactions and activities with horses. It does not necessarily involve riding horses, but all activities related to horses, such as feeding, grooming, haltering and leading them. A mental health professional frequently oversees the activities (often in conjunction with a horse professional), and helps patients process their thoughts, feelings, and behavior patterns during and/or after the interaction.

Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy is a form of therapy in which clients are encouraged to surface and work through subconscious issues by engaging in real-time experiences. Experiential therapy departs from traditional talk therapy by involving the body, and having clients engage in activities, movements, and physical and emotional expression. This can involve role-play or using props (which can include other people). Experiential therapy can help people process trauma, memories, and emotion quickly, deeply, and in a lasting fashion, leading to substantial and impactful healing.

Family Therapy

Research clearly demonstrates that recovery is far more successful and sustainable when loved ones like family members participate in rehab and substance abuse treatment. Genetic factors may be at play when it comes to drug and alcohol addiction, as well as mental health issues. Family dynamics often play a critical role in addiction triggers, and if properly educated, family members can be a strong source of support when it comes to rehabilitation.

Individual Therapy

In individual therapy, a patient meets one-on-one with a trained psychologist or counselor. Therapy is a pivotal part of effective substance abuse treatment, as it often covers root causes of addiction, including challenges faced by the patient in their social, family, and work/school life.

Life Skills

Life skills trainings involve all the skills a person must have in order to function successfully in the world. These include time management, career guidance, money management, and effective communication. Truly successful addiction recovery is based on the ability to not only live substance-free, but to thrive. Life skills teaches the practical necessities of functioning in society, which sets clients up for success in life, and therefore sobriety.

House check icon Settings and Amenities

  • spa iconYoga studio
  • water-ladder iconSwimming pool
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Fact checked and written by:
Peter Lee, PhD

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